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From within this window seldom-used but very useful transformations
are applied to Envelopes.


First, Last, Step     point-range affected by transformations
YValue                x-value used by the transformation
YValue                y-value used by the transformation
Scale                 scale the Envelope by the x- and y- value specified below
Shift                 shift the Envelope by the x- and y- value specified below

Evaluate Expression:
XMin, XMax, XStep     x-range used for evaluating
Expression            mathematical expression as function of "x"
Evaluate              create an Envelope using the x-range as frame-numbers
                      and the evaluated values as y-value

Load Curve            load a 2D-data file used by plotting programs 
                      and convert it as an Envelope
Save Curve            save the current Envelope as 2D-datafile
Load Timecodes        load a previously saved Timecodes-file and convert
                      it as an Envelope
Save Timecodes        save the current Envelope as a Timecodes-file used
                      from within the Timecodes-Window